For this challenge I have read the following Utah authors:
The Christmas Box
Promise Me
The Dance
The Sunflower
Finding Noel
Fablehaven: Shadow Mountain
The Candy Shop Wars
Anya Bateman
Big Ben is Back
Leven Thumps
The Hourglass Door
The Golden Spiral
First Love and Forever
First Love, Second Chances
Now and Forever
By Love and Grace
The Adventures of Hashbrown Winters
The Brave Little Monster
Brandon Sanderson
Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians
Kristyn Crow
Bedtime at the Swamp
Cool Daddy Rat
Middle-Child Blues
Shannon Hale  
Book of a Thousand Days
Blaine M. Yorgason 
One Tattered Angel
Charlie's Momument
Krystal Promise
Gerald N. Lund
The Work and the Glory Series
Timothy Burton Anderson 
The Reign of the Stavka
Jack Weyland
(Does he count as an Utahan now that he teaches in Idaho)?
Charly (I have read this over and over)
Adam's Story
The Reunion
Pepper Tide
A New Dawn

Other Utah Authors I have yet to read ~I didn't realize there were so many! Sorry if I missed anyone

Edward Abbey
Jewel Adams
Douglas Alder
Christine Allen-Yazzie
Sarah Andrews
Matthew Armstrong
Phyllis Barber
Michele Ashman Bell
Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt
Cherie Bennett
John Bennion
Caralyn and Frank Buehner
Trina Boice
Anne Bowen 
Anne Bradshaw
Laurel Brady
John D. Brown
Marilyn Brown
Gordon Campbell
A.E. Cannon
Orson Scott Card
Ron Carlson
Forrest Carter
Kristen Chandler
Ann Chamberlin
Ginger Churchill
Fred Civish
Jaletta Clegg
Lawrence Coates
Katharine Coles
Chris Crowe
James Dashner
Rod Decker
Bree Despain
Terrel Harris Dougan
Will Eastburn
Ann Dee Ellis
Lezlie Evans 
Brian Evenso
Franklin Fisher
Vardis Fisher
John Fitzgerald 
Jon Frear
Judith Freeman
John Fulton
Alane Ferguson 
Guy Francis
Tiffany Fletcher
John Gates
Jessica Day George
Sharlee Glen
Jeff Gottesfeld
Sherri Haab
Becky Hall
Mette Ivie Harrison
Kimberley Heuston
Rodello Hunter
Paul Genesse
Olive Ghiselin
Michael Gill
Sharlee Glenn
Gerald Grimmett
Christine Graham
VS Grenier
Lyman Hafen 
Steven Hannon
Trudy Harris
Mettie Ivie Harrison
David J. Hawkes
Mackey Hedges
Kimberley Burton Heuston 
Tracy Hickman
Ronda Gibb Hinrichson
Angela Holzer
Pam Houston
Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Dean Hughes
R. R. Irvine
Janet Kay Jensen
Clint Johnson
Kim Justesen


Josie Kilpack
Thomas King
Matthew Kirby
Robert Kirby
Mike Knudson
Susannah Olsen Knowlden
David Kranes
Lon LaFlamme
Kristen Landon
Barbara Lewis
Dene Low
Celia Lund
Lee Marti
Kent Mason
Rae Meadows
Sherry Meidell
Stephenie Meyer
Beth S. Moore
Heather B. Moore
Carroll Hofeling Morris
Lori Nawyn
Julie Olson
Sheila A. Nielson 
Michael Norman
Rachel Ann Nunes
Helen Papanikolas
Larry Perkins
Levi Peterson
Aprilynne Pike
Paul Pitts
Louise Plummer
Bobbie Pyron
Ken Rand
Kristen Randle
Jean Reagan
Peter Rock
Stephanie Rosenfeld
Margaret Rostkowski
Ivy Ruckman
Candace E. Salima
Sydney Salter
Jeffrey Scott Savage
Suzette Saxton
Shirley Sealy
Rebecca ShelleyCaroll Shreeve
Linda Sillitoe
Gloria Skurzynski
Dana Kessimakis Smith 
Denver C. Snuffer
Virginia Sorensen
Sarah E. Southerland
Kathryn Lynard Soper
Darrell Spencer
Michael Spooner
Lu Ann Brobst Staheli
Nicole Stansbury
Wallace Stegner
Chris Stewart
Brent Taylor
Will Terry
Wendy Toliver
Laura Torres
Michael Tunnell
G.G. Vandagriff
Jill Vanderwood
Robert Hodgson Van Wagoner
Kevin Wadsen
Rick Walton
Dan Wells
Shaunda Wenger
Maurine Whipple
Barbara Williams 
Carol Lynch Williams
Terry Tempest Williams
Kim Williams-Justesen
Dan Willis
Anne Wingate
Dave Wolverton
Stephen Wunderli
Ron Woods
Randall Wright
Thelma Hatch Wyss 
Sara Zarr
Jeri Gilchrist